County population in 2005: 429,065 (85% urban, 15% rural)
County owner-occupied houses and condos: 121,548
Renter-occupied apartments: 26,018
% of renters here: |
18% |
State: |
30% |
Land area: 745 sq. mi.
Water area: 123.1 sq. mi.
Population density: 576 people per square mile |
(high). |
Percentage of residents living in poverty in 2005: 11.3%
Pasco County: |
11.3% |
Florida: |
12.8% |
(10.6% for White Non-Hispanic residents, 16.8% for Hispanic or Latino residents)
Median age of residents in 2005: 42 years old
(Males: 40 years old, Females: 43 years old)
(Median age for: White residents: 44 years old, Black residents: 30 years old, American Indian residents: 36 years old, Asian residents: 38 years old, Hispanic or Latino residents: 29 years old, Other race residents: 31 years old)
Type of workers:
- Private wage or salary: 80%
- Government: 13%
- Self-employed, not incorporated: 7%
- Unpaid family work: 0%
Races in Pasco County, Florida:
- White Non-Hispanic (89.9%)
- Hispanic (5.7%)
- Black (2.1%)
- Other race (1.5%)
- Two or more races (1.4%)
- American Indian (0.9%)
(Total can be greater than 100% because Hispanics could be counted in other races)
Median resident age: |
44.9 years |
Florida median age: |
38.7 years |
Males: 165,417 |
(48.0%) |
Females: 179,348 |
(52.0%) |
Average wage per job in 2003: $27,055
County population in 2003: 388,224
Jobs in 2003: 88,837